Tuesday, 8 December 2015

The Huge Role Of International Finance To The Climate Change Talks

The COP21 in Paris looks at finance as its leading obstacle that blocks all possible efforts for climate change. But finance experts such as University of Bath Chair in Environmental Economics Michael Finus beg to differ.

Finus said it is the world's dependence on fossil fuels must end and politicians must deliver their promise. Meanwhile, the financial solutions he proposed can be effective.

Trade Sanctions

Finus pointed out the Montreal Protocol saved the world's Ozone Layer by reducing and ultimately phasing out the use of CFC gases that caused huge holes in the ozone layer. The result had helped the ozone layer recover despite the replacement HFC still adds to the greenhouse effect.

Finus explained that Montreal worked because of the trade sanctions it imposed to countries that did not join the environmental treaty. But it also worked because America, one of the world's biggest economies, had initiated the treaty.

Correlating Border Tax/Foreign Aid With Emissions

The Paris climate agreement will have tariffs posted on all imports produced in countries with high greenhouse gas emissions. The tax adjustment based on emissions will help reduce the eco-dumping that negatively affects members of the agreement.

Technology sharing or direct payments would be the best choice to help development and reduce eco-dumping and ultimately emissions.

International Deposit System

Industrialised nations may find the fines for emissions minimal. Finus proposed that developed nations who violate agreements formed in Paris should have the interest rates of their deposit to a agreement members-made fund frozen until they have complied with the requirements.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Three Reasons I Tend To Keep My Money Next To Myself

Hey, I use ATMs. I deposit money in banks. I use traditional checking accounts. I also use Paypal and other online couriers to send and receive money. I'm not a person likely to have digital paranoia when it comes to digital finance, let alone digital currencies, right?

Truth be told. I am.


The digital world is filled with hackers and anybody could be a hacker if they needed to be. People are looking over your money when you invest, deposit, send money or buy from online shops. Some exploit some errors to gain access to the system mainframe where they can easily exploit our credentials, just like what happened to JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Digital Errors

Those costly digital errors will make our lives worse with hackers. A simple error, such as the web page timed out when you just clicked 'buy' in online shops and used a courier to pay could cost you money that couldn't be returned because well, that's an error.

Peace of Mind

I keep my money just next to me. I buy some items that I think would increase in value over time. I don’t keep them next to me because you know, inflation. But it gives me peace of mind when I know my money is safe with me and not in some ATM or system where my money can lose value.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

The Third Fiscal Apocalypse Might Be Upon Us

Investors are spooked by China's extreme downturn in the market. The International Monetary Fund had announced a great series of prophecies regarding another possible downturn for the global economy that could drag us down back into the Third Great Recession.

According to Bank of England Chief Economist Andy Haldane, market troubles and Chinese economic concerns are just the next chapters in an on-going story regarding the Third Fiscal Apocalypse.

The Slowest Growth Since 2008

The IMF said global growth is at its slowest in 2015 with a possibility of 3 per cent growth reduction, which would be painful for many emerging markets with corporate outfits.

The US' increased interest rates, one of the many catalysts of the possible depression according to analysts, has "sucked out emerging economies" that returned money into the higher-ups of society. This has devalued the emerging market currencies.

However, because of huge foreign reserves initiated by the increased interest rates, the downturn's impact was diverted, said other analysts with a more positive approach.

The New Reality

Itau Chief Economist Ilan Goldfein from Brazil said to raise Brazil's financial status, which was pushed down the junk by Moody's, would mean to work with the budget deficit and "new realities".

He said Brazil would need to adapt to the new terms of trade that offers different commodities. The economic head is pertaining to the falling oil prices.

South America is hit by widespread devaluation after every nation's primary resource had a value downturn earlier this year.

Experts advise that emerging markets needed adaptability and government market stimulation to uphold and cushion the impact of impending trouble.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Three Gift Ideas For Yom Kippur!

Almost every Briton has a Jewish friend. In a multi-cultural country, it can be easy to offend people of different beliefs without any intention. Let's avoid that. But let's also avoid giving something too expensive. Being mis-informed, even the brightest Briton may just get something expensive but useless or meaningless this upcoming Yom Kippur. These three gift ideas guarantee you give something meaningful even on a budget!

1. Shabbat Candle Holders

Jerusalem fitted Candlesticks or aluminium flower candle holders are beautiful to look at in any Jewish home. Jewish families value their candle holders as it is an integral part of any ceremony, including Yom Kippur. Giving these as gifts save you hundreds of pounds because £1 is the mall price per Shabbat candle holder. You could get a premium one for about £5 each.

2. Kosher Gift Basket

You could never go wrong giving food items to Jewish families during Yom Kippur and the Kosher Gift Basket is the best way to give a batch of crackers, teas, chocolates, cookies or anything else edible. If you're celebrating with a Jewish family pot-luck style, then the Kosher Gift Basket is all you will need!

3. Food and Wine

If all else fails, bring some food and wine. Personally-cooked food Jewish families appreciate completely. As it is made from love and passion, you give a part of yourself at a lower cost too!

Monday, 10 August 2015

Universities On The Prowl For London Teenagers Looking For Cheaper Living And Good Education

London's educational institutions have been quite expensive, to be honest, and it's just proper to see some alternatives from the far-offs to offer their own brand of education to youngsters in London. It is indeed cheap to live in the North and Midlands and universities from Leicester and Hull understand the value of this competition.

Leicester, according to this Independent article, had formed a "partnership agreement" with seven London schools that would allow one student per school a £1000 scholarship to take up their place in the university. Leicester had also targeted a range of secondary schools, academies and high-performing sixth-form colleges in the capital to provide some "taste test" education.

To further lubricate things for them, they're also teaching educational staff how to instruct students in filling up their university forms.

To be honest, Leicester is still in the neighbourhood of London. It's not that far off. And I've seen the school; it's just like London's universities, complete with an improved curriculum. What's more, the area is completely urbanised.

Well, Leicester, Hull and other schools outside of London gain their fair share of students from the capital on a yearly basis. It's just that most would want to stay in the capital for some reason and they do not realise they are missing out to live on somewhere that can help pay off their student loans in a shorter time. 

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

China Is The Root Of A Possible Great Depression

Despite the worries in the Eurozone and the Greek Debt Crisis, analysts said investors should be pointing their direction somewhere else, namely in Southeast Asia. China, one of the world's economic powerhouses, is facing a slowdown and a possible slump that could only parallel the 1929 Great Depression.

"China's Market Meltdown", as the media had coined it, is stretching on its third week. Shanghai share prices had lost a third of its value since mid-June. Chinese regulators warned that investors may panic and pointed out that the economic crash could spell doom for the world economy.

Stocks Have Been Failing Why?

Chinese stocks have been failing because of its consecutive propping up of bubbles. This is similar to the symptoms that brought down the US era of "the roaring 20s". With so much inflation coming from normal "small investors" or "chao gu" investors, the inflation cannot be helped.

But analysts said gravity has caught up with the overvalued stocks.

China Cannot Manage Its Assets Effectively

The Chinese stock market is supported by government support for share prices. The People's Bank of China has cut interest rates to a record low. With brokerages going about the thousands suspending their loans from being traded, the world continues to watch Chinese stocks continue to fall.

Chief Economist For Asia for Credit Suisse Dong Tao said Beijing fears the stock rout may undermine consumption and prevent losing consumer spending.

But investors are not confident in China's efforts to secure as the stocks continue to "flicker and fade."

Monday, 8 June 2015

UK Growth Is Down According To CBI

The Confederation of British Industry had downgraded the growth forecast for the UK economy despite very good employment situations.

According to CBI, the UK’s economic growth may only reach 2.4% and 2.5% in 2015 and 2016 respectively. These forecasts have a 0.1% difference from the initial predicitons.

CBI, in line with the Bank of England, insist that the downgrade is due to Britain’s slowdown due to uncertain public finances. However CBI agrees that the economic downturn is due to a “blip”, a mistake that will not be repeated.
CBI Director John Cridland believes the UK economic recovery is on track as employees feel positive.

To ensure safeguards, the OECD had urged the UK government to spread budget tightening for a longer period to ensure growth. However, Cridland does not agree with the recommendation:

 “We don't want the government to ease off on austerity. We want the government to continue to tackle the deficit in the public finances but to do so in an intelligent way."

The UK had five years of spending cuts. He urged the government to focus on “more imaginative” public service reforms.

Monday, 11 May 2015

What Does A Tory Win Mean For Your Money?

Greek Finance has always been the country’s biggest problem and Britons want change. Every political party in the country had put their best election foot forward. As the Tories once again rule the United Kingdom, they deliver these changes in the following areas.

1.    Prevent Income Tax Increase
As promised, the conservative party had promised legislation to prevent any income tax increases. They have also stopped national insurance and VAT increases for as long as they stay in power.

2.    Tax-Free Personal Allowance
From £10,600, Britons’ tax-free personal allowance will increase to £12,500 by 2020.
3.    Inheritance Tax
Tax-Free allowance from £650,000 per couple will increase to £1 million through an extra allowance grant for people with main homes. If a couple has £500,000 shares and a £500,000 home, they would pay no death duties.
4.    Pensions
Pensions will rise to 2.5 pc and inflration or earnings taxes will remain. However, pensioner will still have free bus passes, TV licenses and winter fuel payments.
Meanwhile, high earners at £150,000 annually will have a pensions deposit limit. This could mean that a £40,000 to £10,000 situation.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

New Year, New ISA. We’ll Give You Four Reasons Why

It’s a new tax year after April 15 folks. After the carnage of filing taxes and tax returns, you’re not too sure about taking a new ISA. Why would you want an additional headache when after April 15, you could just go and chill a bit? Well, here are four reasons you might like being the early bird when it comes to your ISA

1.    The 12-Month Payoff
Investing today, you beat countless other individuals, groups and companies that cram their tax filing during the last minute.
You also have a reward: If you buy an ISA for 2015 right after, the whole financial year your money would be growing and earning interest.
Invest even in just a nominal lump sum in your ISA. It doesn’t have to be too big. If you invest money in your ISA by the end of tax season, you’ll be having the same amount, for a lesser price when you start early.

2.    Spread Investing Across the Year
We’re all very fond of piggy banks, aren’t we? When we have coins, we make sure to put them in a bottle. Now, why not put your coins or larger savings in your ISA every month to reach the pinnacle of £15,240?
The latter is the maximum ISA allowance for 2015/2016. If you stash away some of your cash, stocks and share with values of £50 to £100 monthly in your ISA, you could get a whole deal of interest. It also makes it easier to tackle the larger objective of growing your money as you hit the limit.

3.    Tried and Tested
According to the FTSE All Share Index in the past 14 years, it has generated positive returns. When you start investing early in your ISA, you could make it perform better. When the statistics tell the truth, what have you got to lose?

4.    Rebalance
Now that you’ve put money in your ISA, you could concentrate on other things, such as rebalancing your portfolio for the next year. You might want to sell some of your underperforming assets.
Explore other investment options and treat your ISA as one of them. But for your ISA, you don’t need to manage it; it’ll grow larger with the best results ever had than cramming at the last minute.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Age will always bring a great difference. This could be culture, ideas and perspectives. However, age also affects one's credit card bills. Generation X and Y's spending is quite uncontrolled. The baby boomer generation were the ones who could use credit cards effectively. Meanwhile, millenials are now conscious of their spending.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Some Strange Money Saving Tips You Could Do At Home.

Using sand to sweep up stains is a great way to avoid trouble with your table in your wallet. If you place a brick inside your toilet tank, you could lift the water density and save money in your toilet. Cleaning your faucet using a lemon helps make it shine and you could just save money.

There are other tips in this video that may (or might be a bit not be able to) benefit you and save you money.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Three Reasons Why It’s Better To Secure Actual Funding Than Venture Capitalists

Bootstrapping, or using your own means to help your business succeed, is a road less taken by entrepreneurs. It is a difficult route that promises countless days of no sleep and no guarantees of success. However, if you provide the funding from yourself or with the help of people willing to help you, you get the following advantages.

1.    You Understand Everything
Every part of your business is taken into detail, or else you risk losing your business. You clear up your strategy, find the true vision you want with your business and you implement them upon your whim. You couldn’t understand everything when venture capitalists or other investors try to pounce on your parade.
2.    Growth
As even if your business profits are still wavering during the start, you develop a self-control mechanism to manage your growth. Hiring people based on your profits allow you to remove the risk of over-hiring. Because you are your own boss who funded your own business, you allow yourself the proper timeframe to grow your business. The best part is, you’ll never lose in this route.
3.    You Get All The Equity
Because there’s no investor or venture capitalists dominating the business, you have all the rights to the produce you have with your business. You get all the equity and shares of the business, unless you decide to create an IPO and have public investors help you expand your business.