Monday, 10 August 2015

Universities On The Prowl For London Teenagers Looking For Cheaper Living And Good Education

London's educational institutions have been quite expensive, to be honest, and it's just proper to see some alternatives from the far-offs to offer their own brand of education to youngsters in London. It is indeed cheap to live in the North and Midlands and universities from Leicester and Hull understand the value of this competition.

Leicester, according to this Independent article, had formed a "partnership agreement" with seven London schools that would allow one student per school a £1000 scholarship to take up their place in the university. Leicester had also targeted a range of secondary schools, academies and high-performing sixth-form colleges in the capital to provide some "taste test" education.

To further lubricate things for them, they're also teaching educational staff how to instruct students in filling up their university forms.

To be honest, Leicester is still in the neighbourhood of London. It's not that far off. And I've seen the school; it's just like London's universities, complete with an improved curriculum. What's more, the area is completely urbanised.

Well, Leicester, Hull and other schools outside of London gain their fair share of students from the capital on a yearly basis. It's just that most would want to stay in the capital for some reason and they do not realise they are missing out to live on somewhere that can help pay off their student loans in a shorter time. 

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