Monday, 8 February 2016

The Most Hidden Financial Transactions From Partners

Bloomberg Business created a study and poll that surveyed the young and elderly about the personal finance product they have hidden from their partner.

About 13 million Americans were found to have hidden a bank or credit card account from their spouse or live-in partner. Younger people are likely to hide their personal finance secrets from their partners.

According to's Senior Industry Analyst Matt Schulz, millenials are more comfortable talking about their finances given the proper environment and platform.

According to Schulz, the findings were shocking. With over millions of Americans hiding their personal finance accounts from spouses, it could do some "real damage in a relationship" in terms of trust and teamwork.

The survey ran from January 7-10, 2016.

Schulz added that budgets can only function between two people if both respect and follow the budget. If both parties do not know exactly what's coming in and going out, it can cause future troubles, according to Schulz.

To keep your finances and relationship in check, the following is advised:
  • Have a sit down with your partner and talk about your finances
  • Never be afraid not to share technical troubles you find with your finances.
  • Communicate often about your financial plans
  • Avoid complaining, provide a solution.