Wednesday, 8 July 2015

China Is The Root Of A Possible Great Depression

Despite the worries in the Eurozone and the Greek Debt Crisis, analysts said investors should be pointing their direction somewhere else, namely in Southeast Asia. China, one of the world's economic powerhouses, is facing a slowdown and a possible slump that could only parallel the 1929 Great Depression.

"China's Market Meltdown", as the media had coined it, is stretching on its third week. Shanghai share prices had lost a third of its value since mid-June. Chinese regulators warned that investors may panic and pointed out that the economic crash could spell doom for the world economy.

Stocks Have Been Failing Why?

Chinese stocks have been failing because of its consecutive propping up of bubbles. This is similar to the symptoms that brought down the US era of "the roaring 20s". With so much inflation coming from normal "small investors" or "chao gu" investors, the inflation cannot be helped.

But analysts said gravity has caught up with the overvalued stocks.

China Cannot Manage Its Assets Effectively

The Chinese stock market is supported by government support for share prices. The People's Bank of China has cut interest rates to a record low. With brokerages going about the thousands suspending their loans from being traded, the world continues to watch Chinese stocks continue to fall.

Chief Economist For Asia for Credit Suisse Dong Tao said Beijing fears the stock rout may undermine consumption and prevent losing consumer spending.

But investors are not confident in China's efforts to secure as the stocks continue to "flicker and fade."